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مطالب استانها
UN Resolution 2231 has nothing to do with Iran defense power
Foreign Ministry Director General for Political and International Affairs Hamid Baeedinejad said on Sunday that there is no contradiction between Iranian defense power and the UNSC resolution 2231.
Chinese FM urges use of Iran model for resolution of North Korea nuclear issue
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi encouraged world powers to use Iran model for resolution of North Korea nuclear issue.
UN adopts new resolution to boost humanitarian aid in Syria
The UN Security Council adopted on Tuesday a new resolution calling for a smooth access without obstacles to humanitarian assistance to the victims of the conflict in Syria.
IAEA resolution opens new chapter in Iran-IAEA ties: Zarif
Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said the closure of the case of the past and present outstanding issues regarding Iran’s nuclear program will open a new chapter in ties between Iran and the UN nuclear agency.
Parliament resolution does not let Pakistan to join Saudi-led alliance: senator
Member of Pakistan’s Senate defence committee said: according to resolution passed by joint session of the Parliament in April this year, Pakistan must not join any foreign military alliance including a recent one announced by Saudi Arabia.
Board of Governors adopts ‘historic’ resolution on Iran’s PMD
The IAEA Board of Governors has adopted a historic resolution on Iran’s PMD with a general consensus, effectively closing the Possible Military Dimension case of Iran’s nuclear program.
Board of Governors to approve 5+1 draft resolution
Iran’s envoy to the IAEA has estimated the Board of Governors will approve the resolution with unanimity to effectively close PMD case once and for all.
Iran tables UNGA draft resolution against violence, extermism
Iran on Thursday introduced to the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) a draft resolution calling for a world free of violence and extremism as a follow-up to the 2013 WAVE resolution.
IAEA releases draft resolution on Iran nuclear activities
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has released a draft resolution on Iran’s past nuclear activities as the body’s Board of Governors prepares to vote on the draft in mid-December.
Iran dismisses UN human rights council resolution, ridiculous
Judiciary spokesman Gholamhossein Mohseni Ejei on Sunday dismissed UN human rights council resolution about Iran as ridiculous and shameful.
Iran raps UNGA for anti-Syria resolution
The recent General Assembly anti-Syria resolution was vehemently criticized by Iran’s senior UN diplomat.
political borders won’t impede resolution of environmental issues’
Masumeh Ebtekar, the head of Iran’s Department of Environment, met with Swiss Ambassador Julio Haus on Tuesday afternoon to stress the expansion of bilateral cooperation in environmental issues.
political borders won’t impede resolution of environmental issues’
Masumeh Ebtekar, the head of Iran’s Department of Environment, met with Swiss Ambassador Julio Haus on Tuesday afternoon to stress the expansion of bilateral cooperation in environmental issues.
UNSC adopts resolution against terrorists in Iraq, Syria
UN Security Council expresses ‘gravest concern’ over the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and Al-Nusra Front control over parts of Iraq and Syria.
EP resolution legally worthless: VP
European Parliament anti-Iran resolution is legally worthless, Vice President for Parliamentary Affairs Majid Ansari said on Monday.
Zionist regime angry with Iranˈs anti-radicalism resolution, Khazaee
Iranˈs Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mohammad Khazaei said the Zionist regime is angry with the adoption of the anti-radicalism proposal of the Iranian President Hassan Rouhani as a UN General Assembly resolution.
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