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IAEA resolution opens new chapter in Iran-IAEA ties: Zarif

IAEA resolution opens new chapter in Iran-IAEA ties: Zarif

Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said the closure of the case of the past and present outstanding issues regarding Iran’s nuclear program will open a new chapter in ties between Iran and the UN nuclear agency.

IAEA resolution opens new chapter in Iran-IAEA ties: Zarif


The Iranian foreign minister commended the approval of a resolution by the governing board of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on Tuesday.
Finally after 12 years, the governing board asserted that Iran and the IAEA have met their obligations under the road map they signed in July and explicitly announced the closure of the so-called PMD file, he said.
“This resolution has gone far beyond the closure of the so-called PMD and has officially nullified the previous 12 resolutions of the governing board regarding Iran’s nuclear program that contained allegations and serious restrictions on the country’s nuclear program,” the Iranian foreign minister pointed out.
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