“Talash (Struggle) is a mid-range and high-altitude air defense system used to confront the flying targets, including fighter jets and bombers, and is also capable of destroying different helicopters and drones,” Dehqan said in Tehran on Saturday.
“Talash defense system was designed and built to detect and intercept the targets of Sayyad (Hunter) 2 missile (the country's latest home-made missile system with high precision, range and destruction power) to protect the country’s vital and sensitive points against surprise air threats of hi-tech combat fighters,” he added.
“Now that it has had successful tests, God willing, its production line will be launched in the near future,” Dehqan said.
In relevant remarks in September, Commander of Khatam ol-Anbia Air Defense Base Brigadier General Farzad Esmayeeli announced that Iran is mulling plans to develop its air defense systems based on the possible threats which might be posed to the country in the next five years.