Addressing ceremonies in Tehran marking the 35th anniversary of the kidnapping of Imam Mousa Sadr, Hamdan asked Iran President Hassan Rohani to issue necessary orders to give the priority to the issue.
He said the toppled Libyan Colonel Muammar Ghaddafi committed heinous crime by kidnapping Imam Mousa Sadr and two of his companions and that the so-called advocates of human rights also were accomplice with him by turning a blind eye to the crime.
He added that though Ghaddafi was punished for his crimes, the case of Imam Mousa Sadr is still left without distinctive inquiry.
He noted that after toppling of Ghaddafi, committees were formed in Libya to follow up Imam Mousa Sadr’s fate.
“Though we were fully committed to what Libyans asked us and though we have had any kind of cooperation with them, no result has yet been obtained because of the delays and procrastination.”
The Amal Movement envoy said Libya-Lebanon ties will not change as long as the case with freedom of Imam Mousa Sadr is left unanswered.
He said that late Imam Khomeini and the Supreme Leader had been serious to help clarify Imam Mousa Sadr fate, so President Rohani and his government are expected to give special attention to the issue.
He said any delay and hindrance of the issue would harm the process of finding a clue to the dilemma.
Ambassadors of Lebanon and Palestine and Syrian charge d’affaires and Iranian and other foreign officials were present in the ceremony.