Speaking to FNA on Monday, Boroujerdi said unlike the western diplomats of the Group 5+1 (the five permanent UN Security Council members plus Germany) who want to confine talks to nuclear issues, the Iranian team of negotiators intends to discuss significant regional issues, including Bahrain, in their talks with the world powers.
"Mr. Jalili (Iran's chief negotiator) is likely to raise the issue of Bahrain in the talks with the G5+1 in Almaty and discuss the demands of Bahrain's revolutionaries with the western delegations participating in the talks."
He said that Iran has a clear stance on Bahrain and if the US wants to respect human rights and democracy, as it claims, it should respect democracy in Bahrain.
A new round of talks between Iran and the six world powers is slated to begin in Almaty, Kazakhstan, at 1 p.m. local time on Tuesday on will likely continue for two days.
The new round of talks between Iran and the Group 5+1 is slated be held in Almaty's Rixos Hotel tomorrow, and sources in Almaty told FNA that the talks might continue until Wednesday.
Iran's lead negotiator Saeed Jalili arrived in Almaty at the head of a team of negotiators on Sunday to attend the new round of talks with the six world powers.
Prior to his departure to Almaty, Jalili called on the Group 5+1 not to repeat previous mistakes in the next round of talks with Iran, and start negotiations based on a new strategy.