Brig. Gen. Yadollah Javani who was speaking to reporters in Isfahan on Thursday during his visit to city, condemned Brussels terrorist suicide attacks and blast; “now, we have terrorism in the heart of Europe which is the product of an evil espousal of western conspiracy and Middle Eastern extremism born in Syria and Iraq; now, west and ISIL’s Arab and Turkish supporters have been a potential easy target to the same extremist force they fostered once to advance their interests in the region, unbeknownst to the fact that the group would turn to its parents as times go by,” said the general.
“Iraq and Syria have paid much for fighting terrorism; however, they have sent also grave messages to the world that the west is the cradle of terrorism. It is far clear that many European young newly-converts have joined the ISIL which lures them to Syria and Iraq deceiving them untrue provisions of jihad,” Javani said. “Today, terrorism is a new crisis for west; if the US and EU fail to address the malign tumor immediately, it will even have far-reaching consequences on their mainland; they have assessed the situation only to find that Syrian crisis does not have a military solution.”