"The prevailing grave situation makes all the service personnel of the Korea People's Army (KPA) discard the patience which they have long exercised," the KPA general staff said in a statement reported by the North's Korean Central News Agency (KCNA).
South Korea and the United States kicked off the annual Key Resolve and Foal Eagle exercises for a weeks-long run Monday in South Korea, mobilizing some 300,000 local troops along with 17,000 US forces.
Key Resolve is a two-week command post-based exercise, while Foal Eagle is an eight-week field training war game that includes the massive Ssangyong landing drill.
"The revolutionary armed forces of the DPRK holding tightly the arms to annihilate the enemies with towering hatred for them are waiting for the dignified Supreme Command to issue an order to launch a preemptive strike of justice on the aggressors," the report added.