-Zarif calls on U.S to help boost confidence of banks
-Tehran, Tokyo sign investment pact
-Iran planning on strengthening its missile program
-Iran, UK hail progress in ties, say embassies will resume issuing visas
-U.S welcomes Saudi offer of deployment to Syria
-Iran ready for economic cooperation with U.S.: Zarif
-UNHCR decries appalling conditions in France migrant camps
-Zarif warns against human rights status in west
-Senior Egyptian Qari Raqib Mustafa Qalwash passed away
-Terrorists under siege in Syria's second city
-Iran, Russia initiate $40 billion of contracts
-Zionist regime court suspends Palestinian journalist detention
-Zarif says Iran ready to help end Syria crisis, urges resumption of talks
-Persian carpets roll into U.S again
-Deputy culture minister meets German cultural delegation
-U.S should publicly clarify banking issues
-U.S seeks new oil tax
-Shell to slash 10,000 jobs