President Rouhani addressed the ceremony markIing National Day of Space Technology on Wednesday, called for what he believed was a second JCPOA, this time, calling it ‘Joint Comprehensive National Plan.’
'The national plan,' Mr. Rouhani implied in his speech, seems to be a call for a reconciliatory approach inside the country with the objective of bringing together all players in politics and organize and coordinate them to work jointly for national glory; “this ‘national plan’ which could be called a second ‘JCPOA’ as well, should be constructive cooperation domestically,” Mr. Rouhani said.
President Rouhani once again extended accolade, for JCPOA and its outcomes, to national resistance and the sagacious policies of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution which helped hammer out a deal with the west on Iran’s nuclear issue; he then turned to his election as president in June 2013 elections when the people voted for ‘moderation,’ ‘dialogue with the world,’ and ‘a course of action which would lead nation to JCPOA.’