Speaking to IRNA exclisively, Whitehead said that religion play a key role to resolve challenges of today’s society.
'I think faith is an incredibly important way to bring a better understanding between different communities and different people’s and in particular a very important way to try and improve the friendly knowledge of understanding between the UK and the Islamic Republic of Iran. Faith plays and incredibly important part in the lives of millions of people in both countries.'
Commenting on Tehran-London relations, the scholar regretted that mutual ties between the two capitals were 'very much based mistrust.'
'Unfortunately our countries for the last 150 years have had a relationship that has been based very much on mistrust; If we want to improve that, if we want to improve the understanding between the UK and Islamic Republic of Iran we need to bring together people who communicate with large communities and large societies in each country so that by building those bridges between faith leaders, between communities we can bring about a better understanding.'