Pointing out to the significant role of culture and arts in Iran and Azerbaijan’s ties, Seyyed Ebrahim Ebrahimi said “As a noted musician and the composer of Iran, Azerbaijan’s friendship song, Professor Tofiq Bakixanov has a prominent role in developing the two countries’ cultural and artistic relations.”
He added that some of the professor’s works have been translated and published in Persian and are highly praised in Iran.
The friendship song of Iran and the Republic of Azerbaijan was performed concurrent with the 85th birthday of Bakixanov and his commemoration. It was held in Baku’s Philharmonic center and warmly welcomed by the audience as well as national and foreign cultural figures, he noted.
Talking about the first joint scientific journal, in Azerbaijani and Persian, the cultural attaché said “ ‘Studying Persian language and literature’ is released by Iran’s cultural attaché office in Azerbaijan and Persian Language and Literature Chair at the Baku State University. The work will be a step toward boosting cooperation between the cultural attaché office and the State University to expand Persian Language and Literature.”