۱۳۹۴/۰۸/۰۵ - ۱۶:۰۵
New Dutch, Spanish, Danish envoys to Iran submit credentials

New Dutch, Spanish, Danish envoys to Iran submit credentials

The new ambassadors of three European countries have submitted their credentials to Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani.

New Dutch, Spanish, Danish envoys to Iran submit credentials


The ambassadors of Denmark, Spain and the Netherlands handed over their credentials in separate meetings on Tuesday.
Meeting the new Dutch ambassador Susana Trastal, Rouhani said that Iran-Netherlands enjoy long-lasting ties and added “The Netherlands holds a great position in terms of industry, commerce and energy. The country is also considered as a grand law hub and we hope to develop mutual ties.”
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هفته‌نامه الکترونیکی سراج۲۴ - شماره ۲۷۸
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