۱۳۹۴/۰۶/۰۶ - ۱۲:۵۷
New chapter in Iran-Russia scientific coop.

New chapter in Iran-Russia scientific coop.

Iranian high-ranking scientific delegation is to sign an MoU with Russian Foundation for Basic Research today in Moscow, ushering in a new era of technological cooperation between the two countries.

New chapter in Iran-Russia scientific coop.


Sorena Sattari, Iranian Vice-President for Science and Technology, Iran National Science Foundation (INSF) President Nosratollah Zargham along with a team of Iranian high-ranking scientific and technological officials will meet with the president of Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) on Wednesday to sign a memorandum of understanding.
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هفته نامه الکترونیکی
هفته‌نامه الکترونیکی سراج۲۴ - شماره ۲۷۸
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